An Interview with Malachi Martin


Anthony Gonzales


Malachi Martin, Roman Catholic priest, best selling author, eminent  theologian, correspondent,  confidant to bishops and cardinals, Vatican insider, former theological professor  at  the Pontifical  Biblical  Institute, and insightful historian  was  gracious  enough  to answer a few questions  I posed for his consideration. Fr. Martin is probably best known for his best selling books; Hostage to the Devil, The Jesuits, Vatican, The Final Conclave, The Keys  of This Blood and The Decline  and  Fall  of the Roman Church,  to name just a few. I have known Fr. Martin since April 1991 and was privileged enough to spend some quality time with this wonderful priest  absorbing as much information and wisdom that I could.  We have since kept in touch through correspondence and phone.  Recently I sent a copy of The Hammer to him for his review.  In his letter of response he stated, "I like the tone and the accuracy of the materials (Newsletters) you sent me. Congratulations!" He also asked for some topics for discussion.  I sent him a list.  The following is that list with his brief  but poignant answers.  I hope, in the future, for more  in-depth  discussions with Fr. Malachi and will , in turn, inform my readers of the subsequent discussions.


Dear Fr. Malachi:

The ideas I have are along the lines of bringing some hope to my readers while making them realize how serious the situation is at the same time.  What do you think of the following ideas?


Anthony: Laudetia Jesus Christus

A full answer to the eight multiplex questions in your letter would take me some 40 hours of writing.  The only possible solution is a series of brief summary answers.


                #1.   Is the present state of the Church the result of changing the rites of the                      liturgy? If they simply wanted to make the Mass "more meaningful" and                   provide an atmosphere of  greater "participation", why did they have to                                   change the rite itself? Why didn't they just introduce vernacular into appro-                    priate places of the old rite?


Fr. Malachi: "The rite was changed by those who wanted to destroy the Mass."


                #2.  Is there a conspiracy to destroy the Church?  If so by whom? Are they                   simply faithless men and women who wish to change the Church into their                 own image much like the leaders of the Protestant revolution but with less                                integrity                 or are those behind this much more subversive and demonic?


Fr. Malachi: "Yes, there is such a conspiracy backed by Roman Catholic prelates and                                 outside enemies of Christ."


#3.  What do you think about the alleged apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje, Bosnia/Hercegovina. Could false apparitions be  another means by which the devil, a conspiratorial faction or both are attempting to undermine the teachings of the Church on such important dogmas as, Extra                 Ecclesiam Nulla Salus? Isn't this the very thing the devil does, i.e. mixing lies  with the truth  in order to  deceive and  psychologically confuse even the elect?


Fr. Malachi: "I think Medjugorje is a Satanic hoax."


#4.  Why  doesn't  Pope John Paul II "chop  off  the heads" of  those bishops  who defy his authority  and who stand in direct  opposition to the truth of the Catholic Faith? Why does he allow them to destroy so many souls without chastising them?


Fr. Malachi: "Pope John  Paul II  doesn't  believe he personally has the authority                 to  'chop off heads'."


#5.  The New World Order is quickly becoming a reality.  If we continue to vote conservative men and women into political office can they turn the tide? 


Fr. Malachi:  "No. Conservatives are the last to understand what is happening."


#6.  Is  the prophecy (by nearly 200 Saints) about the 3 Days of Darkness also a part of the Fatima secret? The Saints  also talk  about the "Golden Age" of the Church when China, Russia, England and India will be converted to the Faith and there will be a universal peace. Do  you think these things will happen soon?


Fr. Malachi: "Yes, the 3-Days Darkness is part of Fatima. We have no fixed dates for anything. But it cannot go on much longer."


#7. When Pope John Paul II  dies what do you believe will happen at the Conclave?  Could an Anti-Pope be elected to the Chair of Peter?  Is it possible for a truly traditional Pope to be elected or can we expect more of the same or worse?


Fr. Malachi:  "The next  Pope will  bring  even more confusion into the Church than  already exists."


#8. In your book "Hostage to the Devil" you confirm the fact that cases                 of demonic possession are traditionally rare.  Due to the seeming increase in demonic  activity throughout  the world during the last  30 years  have you seen any dramatic  increases in cases of possession or obsession  recently?


Fr. Malachi:  "Cases of possession and obsession have increased about 750% since the early 1970's.  This has been my experience in the North East sector of the United States."



Fr. Malachi


Dear  reader,  as  you  can  see his  answers  to the above questions are provocative and intriguing. I hope to continue my correspondence with him and will keep you informed  of  further  insights  and deeper explanations to the topics and questions listed  above. If  you  have  further  interest  and wish further exposition on particular topics please feel free to write and I will pass them on to Fr. Martin.


Thank you, Father, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer my questions. They were concise yet pregnant with implications for now and the future. Let  us  all have confidence that no matter how dark it seems God is still in  control. We need only hold fast to His revealed truth and to our love for Him and one another.