Most of us witnessed an incredible series of events in the month of  September  that  truly clarify the contrast between the "Of-Worlders" and the "In-Worlders. God obviously planned to show us this contrast that we might clearly see the  difference.



Princess of Wales


When Princess Diana  died, the night of August 30th the news  bulletins  interrupted  television programming almost every 15 minutes to half hour. It was as if we had lost one of our own leaders.  The news coverage was  spectacular,  an  on the scene, blow by  blow  description. People were out  to get  the "Paparazzi" whom they blamed for literally hounding poor Diana to death.


For  days  and  days  we  were barraged  by the media concerning all the circumstances  surrounding DianaÕs death. We were shown the millions and millions of  flowers placed  in memoriam to this divorced Princess who hung around with the  jet  set;  who  spent  $2,000,000.00  a   year  on her wardrobe;  who  frequently left her  children  in  the hands of a nanny so that  she  could gallivant around the globe; who was seen  naked on nude beaches;  who spent  millions  of  dollars on  New Age  cultic paraphernalia, on  astrologers  and on fortune tellers,  who was  ready to renounce Christ for her  Muslim boy friend and who publicly admitted  to having adulterous affairs while she was still legally married to Prince Charles. It was not that she was necessarily an evil woman.  It takes effort to be truly evil.    A  bad person is merely weak and fails to live the virtuous life for which all men have been created. An evil person, on the other hand, strives to make others as evil as himself. Princess Diana  was simply a lost soul  seeking God in all the wrong places and putting her trust  in creatures rather  than in her Creator. She was a sad little girl; pampered, soft and spoiled. 


No, she wasn’t evil  but neither was  she  good.  She sought to do good because she knew it was the right thing to do  and it has been said that because of the influence of Mother Teresa she was secretly taking instructions in the Catholic Faith. In fact, both her mother and her brother  became Roman Catholic last year.  She, however, did not complete, nor stick  with the studies.   The  allurement of the world and the enticement of her riches was too much for her and she was  dragged  down by the seduction of creatures.


The world honored its ÒPrincessÓ and still honors her.  She represented everything the world wants us all to embrace.  She was beautiful,  glamorous, wealth, young and reached out to her brothers who were in need.  She presented the seduction of worldliness perfectly.  A wealthy princess and yet a tragic figure. She was unhappy because her marriage was a total failure and she felt unwanted by the royal family.  Yet the people loved her because the  media constantly presented her before the eyes of the world and her beauty and cultured stature made hearts swoon.  It was all show. Her heart was empty, her motives tainted by self-centered pride.  She was chosen by the media because she made a good image and millions were mediatized.  She always complained about being in the limelight except when it suited her purpose then the cameras were invited in to show her compassion to the poor and needy and to demonstrate to the world that she truly was noble. The media, which is  corrupt and  worldly, sought to make her little less  than  a   goddess  who  they  whipped the throngs into worshipping.  In reality she was little more than a glorified ÒJerry Lewis typeÓ campaigning for  money to fund her pet charities. But she never   got  her hands dirty.  Like the rich  young  man  whom Jesus  called to give up everything to follow Him she heard the call through the instrumentality of Mother Teresa yet she could not give up all her riches and possessions it would take to really be good.



Poor, poor plastic Diana she wanted so much to be good but she couldnÕt find the strength to do what it takes to be good. She died tragically young and who knows that if she had been given the chance what she might have done with her life.  We never know our destiny nor the hour of our death.  She is an example for  all  of  us  not  to wait  until the last minute hoping that we will have time to prepare ourselves to meet God.  Death  comes  unexpectedly and never at a time we desire.  Diana died at the age of 36.  St. Teresa, the little flower  of  Jesus, died when she was  24  and  in those 24 short years  she reach  the heights  of  sanctity.  Diana had the same opportunity.  One used it the other did not.


High Expectations


When Mother  Teresa  died we rightfully  expected that the media would honor her even more than they did Diana.  After all Mother Teresa had given  her whole life to the service of the poorest of the poor.  She ate their same food, slept on the floor as they had done, owned nothing  but  another $2.00 religious habit to change into while  the  other   one was  being cleaned, and she spent her time picking up the dying and the destitute from the gutters of the world.  If ever there was a real saint in the twentieth century it was Mother Teresa.  She had just celebrated  her  87th birthday a few days before her death.  God had preserved  her  life, I  believe, for the sake of us frail human beings to see what real sanctity was all about.  We saw it and all of humanity who saw her and knew about her we touched by what she did.


She was not political nor did she crave the attention of the world.  For many years she served the poor in silence and obscurity.  Her fans were the dying, the destitute, the lepers and the orphans who she saved from abortion, starvation and violence.


Mother  Teresa  had been called by Jesus  to serve Him in ÒHis distressing disguiseÓ and that is exactly what she did.  She didnÕt do it for worldly honors, recognition, fame, riches, or self satisfaction.  She simply  did it  out of an all encompassing love for  God  and  for those to whom He sent her. 


When after many  years of serving Jesus in silent dedication; washing the filthy  bodies of lepers, pulling maggots from wounds too horrible for the strongest men to see, holding the dying in her arms as they gave their last breath, pulling babies from garbage cans and feeding the hungry with donated food, she was brought to the attention of the world.  She hated the attention.  She hated the publicity.  She hated the recognition.  She would at first flee the publicity and the cameras because they took away from her work with the poor.  It  was Pope Paul VI who commanded her  under obedience to accept the publicity in order to inspire others to serve the poor.  She obeyed  and it was Malcom Muggeridge who produced the first film of her work called ÒSomething Beautiful for GodÓ.  Muggeridge was an agnostic who was ultimately converted by Mother Teresa to the Catholic Faith.


Mother Teresa became the most  admired woman on earth so when she  died  it  was logical to assume that the media would be there to give us a blow by blow account of her death.  But it was not to be.  She did not present a beautiful face, and aristocratic demeanor to the world.  She wasnÕt glamorous or worldly.  No she was tiny, simple and gnarled by age, disease and constant work.  She didnÕt live in a palace but  in  an abandoned Hindu temple converted into her convent.   She was  not  a princess  but  a nun.  She sought obscurity  not the limelight.  She dedicated herself  to contemplative prayer  and  holy  action.  She  didnÕt buy  million dollar  clothes, nor  did she wear  jewelry  or  makeup.  In fact  she didnÕt  buy  anything.  She remained as poor as the poor she served and 100% of all the donations that came to her were given to provide service for the poor.  She did not rely on technology  for  comfort, she relied solely upon GodÕs  providence.  She had no rancor,  anger or sense of vengeance she had only  love,  peace  and kindness even for those who opposed  her.  She was in complete harmony within herself and sought  only  continuously deeper union with God.  She was first and foremost a Roman Catholic who embraced joyfully everything, down to the last detail,  all that  the Roman Catholic Church teaches.  There was no compromise in her.  She knew  what she  was  called  to  do  and she did it. She knew what she was called to believe and she believed it.  She knew who she was and she knew who Jesus was and she sought Him as the loving Bridegroom of her soul.  She was probably the most authentically human person to live in our century.  There was no pomp,  pretense or phoniness in her. She was  all  that  she appeared to  be  and  what  she appeared to  be was a  Saint.


So the world was not as interested in her  as  it  was in Princess Diana.  Everyone wept  over  Diana,  even  some of the broadcasters.  But for Mother  only  the poor  wept.  ABC  even had the temerity and poor  taste  to invite as  a commentator  for Mother's  funeral, probably the only person in the world who really hated  her.  This man,  Charles Hitchens had actually written slanderous  books against Mother Teresa.   While her body was being blessed  by  the  cardinals  Hitchens  went  into  a tirade against her  falsely accusing her of terrible evils.  ABC knew who this man was before they  brought  him in as  a commentator.  They  knew  he hated her.  Yet this was the kind of man they chose to be a commentator at her funeral.  This is reprehensible and we should boycott this television station in protest. It  was Charles Hitchens who had dared to call this Saint the ÒGhoul  of  CalcuttaÓ.   They  could have found  any  number  of  men and women worthy enough to comment on her  funeral and life.  This was deliberate and malicous and ABC should not be allowed to do this without some kind of consequence. ABC is also responsible for the show "Nothing Sacred" where a Modernist Priest is the hero and a feminist nun is his sidekick.


The Media gives us the perfect contrast   between Diana and Mother Teresa.  The world worships  their  tinsel  goddess while we Roman Catholics  honor  a REAL SAINT.