The Presumption of Mercy


The Council Of Trent against the Protestant revolutionaries proclaims as a matter of dogmatic faith (De fide)


                "For, just as no pious person should doubt the mercy of God,

                the merits of Christ, and the virtue and efficacy of the Sacraments,

                so every one, when he considers himself and his own weakness and                                       indisposition, may entertain fear and apprehension as to his own

                grace, since NO ONE can know with the certainity of faith, which                                           cannot be subject to error, that he has obtained the grace of God." (D 802)


Because of  the wound  of   Original Sin  we  are  incredibly weak and frail  when  it  comes to living out the Commandments of God. Sadly, given the right circumstances and conditions, we are all capable of the most terrible sins  and evil.  It is, therefore, extremely important to realize that  if  we  are  not  diligent   and  constantly  on  our guard we  can  very  easily  fall  into  mortal sin, which kills the soul  and extinguishes  the  virtue of charity, which is necessary for salvation. It  is entirely possible to have actually  committed a mortal sin and through our own self-deception and rationalization refused to accept  it  as  such and therefore, never  asking for forgiveness  in the sacrament of Confession or reconciling with those we may have  injured  by  our  selfishness. The Church  has   always recognized  that  no one can say for  certain they are in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Nor can anyone say that they are somehow predestined  for  eternal  life  without  a specific and supernatural revelation.  We all must  be  very, very careful.  Pride,  which lurks in all of us, may wish to proclaim our souls  as  grace  filled;  yet  because  we  are so filled with imperfections, vices and corrupt  intentions  we may  possibly not have made a truly sincere confession of our sins  with  the  firmest  resolution for amendment.  How many of us can honestly say that we have  gone to confession renouncing  with "all  our heart"  a habitual sin that has plagued us  and that we continue to take pleasure in if not in action at least in thought. Beware, therefore, of pride. We must humbly offer ourselves constantly to Christ  and "HOPE" in His mercy which is infinite, knowing that His justice is also infinite. We must  sincerely strive  to obey the will of Christ, to repent  of  our  transgressions,  to reconcile  ourselves  with  those  whom  we  have  injured                                       (spiritually, emotionally or physically) and  to  confess  our  sins  with the  firm resolve never  to  commit  them again.  Then, never despairing  of  God's  mercy  we must at the same time never commit the opposite sin against  the Holy Spirit, which is to presume in His  mercy as  if  He would never damn us.  And here's the clincher.  We may  say  all the right words and think  all  the right thoughts but emotionally still commit  the sin of presumption: "feeling" that  God  could  never  do that to us. We are nothing. And after we have done everything the Lord has commanded us to do we should say; "We are unprofitable servants; we have only done what it was our duty to do  (and poorly at that)." Luke 17:10  =