A reprint from The Hammer, a Roman Catholic Replies Publication

Vocations Crisis?


Anthony Gonzales


Probably one of the most cleaver hoaxes perpetrated against Roman Catholics by the Modernist establishment is the concept that there is a crisis in vocations within the United States and the world.  THERE IS NO VOCATIONS CRISIS!!!!  The Modernists have been  so  convincing in their deception  of  the average Roman Catholic that even those who are naive but still faithful  have been duped into believing that vocations are plummeting year after year. This article will expose the hoax, hopefully once and for all, and  will  reveal  the  hidden  agenda  behind this particularly evil deception.


Facts  and Figures


In 1962 before the Second Vatican Council there were a total of 46,319 seminarians in U.S. seminaries, 98 of which were Diocesan and 447 were Religious.


(NOTE: It  is important to note that throughout  the  history of  the Church a Council  was never called unless there  was  a  terrible  crisis  taking  place  within the Church where souls were being lost. Calling  a Council, when unnecessary  has  always been considered  a provocative testing of the Holy Spirit.   With the above statistical evidence considered, as well as the fact that all the numbers of significant cultural indicators  were  at their  peak, was it wise,  prudent or necessary  to  call  an  Ecumenical Council of the  whole Church? In the statistical information that  follows  let's  look at the fruits  of the Second Vatican Council.)


In 1963, the year the Council began, vocations jumped to 47,574 seminarians in a total of 561 U.S. seminaries.


In 1964, the central year of the Council, vocations  again  increased by nearly 1200 students to 48,750 seminarians in a total of 571 U.S. seminaries.


In 1965 the final year of the Council vocations  again increased to an all time  high of 48,992 seminarians in nearly 600 U.S. seminaries.


As  we  can  see the Church was in great condition before the Council and the excitement of the Council resulted in  an infatuational response increasing what  was  already  great to even  greater  numbers. Remember. During the Council there were no changes taking place in the liturgy or throughout  the  structure of the Church. No one was prepared  for the devastation that was about  to descend upon the Church from what was suppose to be the very opposit.  Where a new  flowering  of the Church was anticipated by the Council Fathers  instead whole sections of the vine became diseased and rotted. Let's  look  at some more historical facts.


In 1966, the  year  after the Council and  the  beginning of  the implementation  of the revolutionary changes that  were not even a part of the Council,  the  seminarian  population   dropped by 878  students  in   607  U.S.  seminaries.


By 1967, the revolution was well under way and the figures start taking a dramatic  down  turn;  32 seminaries had closed and 3,613 seminarians left and their places remained unfilled. There were now only 45,379 seminarians in 575 U.S. seminaries .


In 1970,  only  five years  after the close of the Council and the implementation by the Modernists of  the revolution  they had waited so patiently to enact, the results are much more  evident.  74  seminaries had closed  in 3 years. The seminarian population  from its high of 49,000 had  lost over 20,000 young men. There were  now only 28,906 seminarians left in the U.S.


There was  obvious evidence of a subversive war going on but no one was protesting.  Oh,  there  were voices crying  out  in  this  wilderness  but  sadly  they  were  not,  in  most cases, the bishops  who had  established the atmosphere that  had  led to this  terrible  decimation. The "termites" were chewing away at the very roots of the TREE and the response of those who were suppose to be protect it  was  to "dialogue" with the parasites instead of exterminating them.


In 1975, confusion reigned supreme. Whole branches were rotting off the vine. 128 more seminaries closed for lack of students. There were now only 373  seminaries  in the  U.S. after  a peak  of 607. 11,104 seminarians  left the seminaries in confusion, many of them having lost their  faith because of the teachings  of  their professors. From its peak in 1965 of 49,000 seminarians there were only 17,247 total seminarians remaining in U.S. seminaries.


The facts were shouting out loud and clear but everyone, except the Modernists who had calculated this disaster, was  refusing to  accept   the fact that the Council's  pastoral  experiment had  failed miserably.  We were asked to  pray  for  vocations, worldwide days  of prayer were set aside and bishops were encouraged to sponsor vocation drives encouraging young people to enter the seminary and religious life. The  emmaciated  body  of a once health Church lay collapsed on the ground  and  all  the doctors would do is prescribe placebos.


In 1984  there  were  only  319 seminaries remaining in the U.S. and the total population of seminarians had been decimated to  a mere shadow of  what  it  had  once  been  only  20 years before.  There were only 11,262 seminarians left.


In 1988 there were even fewer seminaries  but the saddest thing was that there were only 6094 seminarians.  By 1993  (the  last available statistics) there  were only  5123  Seminarians  remaining  in the United States!


From 1965 to 1993 there was a drop in the number of young men desiring to be priests by 90%. Now consider this , I have not  given the statistical information  about the number of these seminarians who eventually became priests nor have I give the facts about the  number of priests who left the priesthood during this same period.


So What's the Point?


At the beginning of this article I specifically challenged the notion of a vocations crisis. After  all the above facts and figures it would seem that there really is a vocations crisis not to mention a crisis in the very foundations of the Catholic Church's  institutional  structure.  But  that  is  exactly  how  they have duped so many people into  believing  their  lie.  You must  come  to  realize that the Modernist movement has  an agenda. It  is  not  simply  a loosely  connected group of  like  minded  individuals  who    decided  it  was a good idea to have a revolution within the  Catholic Church.  No!  These are men  and women who after having been  seduced  by  the world and the flesh have decided  to  remain within the Church in  order  to  destroy her  from within.  They know that  if  they  left  her  they  would  have  no  power.  Their  faithless "religion" is be nothing but  a poor  imitation of some New Age paganism. So  unlike  their  Protestants predecessors  of  the 16th Century who, at least, had  the personal integrity to leave the Church these  men  and  women  have  chosen to remain within the Church changing  her into  their  own spirtually deformed image. This  movement began  among  academics  in the late 1800s. It  was, initially, a response of Catholic intellectuals  to  the evolution  hoax  which they  had  swallowedhook, line and sinker.  The reason for  their loss of faith doesn't matter. The point is that they, having no personal honesty or integrity, decided to remain  within the Church corrupting the dogmas of the Faith from within.  It would  be  impossible for me to  go into an extensive study of the subject within such a limited space.  However, I would like to give a brief quote from Pope St. Pius X's  encyclical  "Pascendi..."  which  I  highly recommend as necessary reading by any concerned Roman Catholic today. It was written in 1910.


"Finally, a few words must be said about the modernist as a reformer.  What we have said thus far shows abundantly with how great and keen a zeal for innovating these men are carried away. Moreover, this zeal extends to absolutely  everything which exists among Catholics.... As for worship

they say that external devotions are to be reduced in number and that steps be taken to prevent their increase,... They cry out that the government of the Church must be reformed  in every respect, but especially on the disciplinary and  dogmatic side. Thus, both within and without it (the Church)  is to be brought in harmony with the modern conscience, as they say, which tends entirely towards democracy; so to the

lower  clergy  and to the laity  itself appropriate parts in the government should be assigned, and when authority has been unified  too much and too centralized, it is to be dispersed....


In the field of morals they adopt the principles of the Americanists, that the active virtues are to be placed before the passive,

and should be put ahead of them in practice.  Finally there are some who, giving heed  to  their  Protestant masters,  desire  the removal of clerical celibacy itself from the priesthood-


What,  then,  do  they  leave untouched  in the Church,  that  is  not  to  be  reformed by them or according to their pronouncements.


Now as we look back upon the whole system in one glance,  as  it were, no one will  be surprised when we define it  as the

synthesis of all heresies. Surely  if anyone had  proposed this to himself, to bring  together  into one the sap and blood of all the  errors that have ever existed about the faith,  no one would have preformed the task more completely than the modernists have done it. Rather they have gone so much beyond this as not only to destroy completely the Catholic religion but all religion.... (D2104-2105)


So  you  see that Pope St. Pius X called  it correctly nearly 100 years  ago  when  this hideous  heresy  had  entered the Church. By his command all priests and bishops were compelled to take an oath against modernism at their ordination. This practice was stopped during the "reforms" of the Second Vatican Council.




So what's the story about vocations? It  is obvious that vocations, at least in the American Church, have dropped dramatically in the last 30 years. It is my contention that this has been a deliberate attempt by the modernist establishment to decimate the priesthood in the United States in order to further their agenda of changing the Church into their own image. Having found a perfect ally in the militant feminist  movement and, in fact, fostering and nurturing this movement within the Church they have attempted to create a vocations crisis in order to supplant the priesthood with women and force the issue of a married clergy.

Their original intent was to force the issue of women priests but Pope John Paul  II  issued a dogmatically infallible statement that has made this impossible.  This,  of course,  will  not  stop  the modernists.  They believe he is wrong and does not have the power to issue such dogmatic decrees. They will wait with spiderly patience until they  can  get  a future  Pope to somehow  declare  this statement by John Paul to be merely disciplinary and therefore  not  dogmatically binding.  In the mean time they will place modernist  feminist s in  as many positions of power as possible.  With the supposed shortage  of  priests they will take over more and more parishes as "Pastors" or "Administrators"  having direct  influence  over the whole structure of the local church. Groomed and ready for ordination when the time comes  they will  continue to change the structure of the Church retaining control over its vital functions.  Here are  the  latest  statistics  from Rome that will show how the modernists continue to  progress, so  far  unchecked, in the implementation  of their agenda in the United States.


The United States has more than half of all the worlds permanent deacons (20,456).  Most of these men are married. There is a push to see women become  deaconesses. This  is,  of course, less  than ideal but at least closer to their intended goal.  At the beginning of 1994 parishes entrusted to men and women other than clergy has increase dramatically from 1978.  In 1978 13 years after the revolution had begun only 81 parishes were administered by permanent deacons, 43 by religious Brothers, 464 by religious Sisters  and 458 by lay  administrators. Look  at  how the figures have since changed.  In 1994 349 parishes worldwide are administered by deacons, 131 by  religious Brothers, 1068 by religious "Sisters" and 1614 by lay administrators most of whom are women.


Have any of you experienced a parish run by lay women?  It soon becomes  unrecognizable  as  Roman Catholicism. In fact,  we have several parishes  in my diocese  that  no  longer  even refer to themselves as Roman Catholic yet they remain  attached to  the Church with  the approval of  the local bishop.  It  is not  the mere  fact that these parishes  are run by women that causes this  breakdown in  traditional  Catholicism, rather it is because these women are  modernist/feminist  infidels  who  have  been strategically placed in that  position in order to destroy the local Catholic community at its roots.


Plenty of Priests


Now  many of the most traditionally strict orders that have retained their spirit, in spite of the modernist onslaught and attempted infiltration, have seen dramatic increases  in  their numbers for both the priesthood and religious life. It is interesting to me that the bishops are constantly  bemoaning  vocations in their respective  dioceses  and then placing women in positions of authority because of the supposed  shortage  of  priests,  yet they have many orders of priests that they could invite into their diocese to man parishes that have been left vacant because they do not have diocesian vocations.  In other words, they do not need to have parishes  administered  by   lay  women. They could have priests  if they really wanted them. I also find it very telling that in the diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska where there  is  one  of the few bishops in the United States worth his salt he has more vocations than he can handle.  Why? Because he is not a modernist nor has he surrounded himself with modernists.  He maintains his orthodoxy and  in fact is the only U.S. bishop who has had the guts to do something about those who are attempting  to  destroy  the Catholic Faith in his diocese.  Bishop Fabian  Bruskewizt has taken on the modernists and has threatened to  excommunicate  anyone  who  is  involved  with any organization that promotes the modernist agenda  or  immorality  that  is  contrary to the Catholic Faith.   If they refuse to recant their modernism they will all be excommunicated on May 15th, 1996.  Bravo! It's  about  time  we  had  a  REAL bishop  in the American Church.  This is why vocations  are  so  strong in his diocese.  It's  only  a matter  of  time  before bishop Bruskewitz has enough priests to  export  to other U.S. dioceses which are empty of vocations. But they would rather continue to wring their hands and complain about a crisis that they are helping to perpetrate because they will not   renounce their own alliance  with the modernists  and  do  the  right  thing  for the souls they are supposed to be shepherding.


What Do We Do?


The  next  time  the  bishops  ask you  to  pray for vocations you should pray that the root  cause  of  this  fake  crisis be eliminated by God. We should ask God to send us bishops like Fabian Bruskewitz who have a real Catholic zeal for the souls in his diocese. The Holy Spirit will protect true vocations from being destroyed by the modernists until the true Catholic Restoration comes about.  =