The Following Products are products for Roman Catholic Replies Product Line. The Mystical Rosary (Rosary Tape) This unique Scriptural Rosary Dramatizes the Mysteries of the Rosary with the chanting of the Hail Maryís in the background. It is a wonderfully powerful tool to assist you in maintaining concentration on the Mysteries. It has been effectively used in many different circumstances. The chanting has an incredibly calming effect on the listener and has been discovered to calm children helping them to also appreciate the Mysteries. The dramatization of the events in the life of Christ makes the Mystery come to life placing you mystically at the event. You will stand on Olivet watching Our Lord sweat blood. You will be in the crowd as they call for Jesusí death. People who have never prayed the rosary before, including Protestants suddenly find that they want to pray with this tape over and over again. You will not be disappointed. $8.95 plus shipping and handling
A series of six 45 minute talks about Satan and the methods he uses to destroy souls. This series of talks was given in 1996 by Anthony Gonzales, Roman Catholic Theologian and Philosopher. Forewarned is Forearmed. With the information you will get out of these talks you will be able to recognize the attacks of the Devil and his demons. Satan and the fallen angels are bent on our destruction. They are extremely intelligent and know how to subtly subvert the spiritual life of us poor humans. Topics in this series include: Who and What are the Fallen Angels, Their attack within the Church, Their attack within the govenment, Temptation, Extraordinary Manifestations of the Demonic, etcÖ. $19.95 plus shipping and handling
from a Roman Catholic Perspective (Tape Series) This series of six 45 minute talks gives insight and understanding to one of the most complex and misunderstood topic in the modern world. It is a frank and adult discussion of sexuality from a totally Roman Catholic perspective. This series of tapes is not recommended for children under the age of 15. Some of the topics discussed are: What is Authentic human Sexuality, Chastity and How to maintain it, Masturbation, Homosexuality, Premarital and Extramarital Sex, etcÖ. After the talks by Anthony Gonzales Many comments came from people in the audience who not only enjoyed the frank, down to earth yet modest discussion of a sensitive subject but who claimed to have been helped in their own personal lives. $19.95 plus shipping and handling Lenten Penitential Rosary (Booklet) This is a Scriptural rosary presented as 15 Sorrowful Mysteries. This rosary is a wonderful tool to meditate upon the sufferings of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. It was originally compiled and developed for Lent to enable the person praying the Rosary to remain in the penitential spirit of Lent. The 15 Sorrowful Mysteries include; The flight into Egypt, the death of John the Baptist, The betrayal by Judas, the trial by the Sanhedrin, The mockery of Herod and more. In the future other 15 Mystery Rosaries will be available on The Glorious Mysteries, The Joyful Mysteries and the Miraculous Mysteries. $5.95 plus shipping and handling
L'Aprina is an incredibly effective analgesic that was developed by a registered Nurse, Bio-Chemist and Micro-Biologist. It took 5 years of experimentation and testing to perfect the product now known as L'Aprina. By modifying the molecular structure of aspirin and by combining it in an alcohol base with other herbs used for osmosis L'Aprina is the most effective pain killer on the market. You simply spray it on the area of pain and rub it in. Itís that simple. It is good for the following aches and pains: Rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, lower and upper back pain, sports injuries, insect bites, muscular aches, strains and cramps, muscle spasms, menstral pain, headache, bruises, bumps, welts, and practically any other pain on the exterior of your body. "I personally have seen near miraculous results from the use of this product. I personally can attest to its effectiveness and highly recommend it." Anthony Gonzales $14.95 plus shipping and handling (Well worth every penny with money back guarantee)